Mission Examples

At Finance Tutoring, we pride ourselves on delivering bespoke financial consulting and training services tailored to meet diverse business needs. We've successfully provided advisory services related to the mechanisms of hedging instruments, offering valuable insights into how they can be effectively utilized in conjunction with bond issuances. 

Our expertise extends to supporting CEOs during pivotal fundraising campaigns, equipping them with the strategies required to optimize capital acquisition.


In the realm of financial markets, we’ve empowered aspiring traders with detailed skills in scalping on Index Futures like DAX and SP500. Our hands-on training programs are designed to provide actionable insights and strategies to navigate the volatile financial markets adeptly. 


Our tailored consulting solutions have catered to specific industry needs, such as advising a leading French chocolate manufacturer in managing cocoa commodity risk, ensuring price stability and business sustainability. Furthermore, we have delivered specialized training to analysts in understanding the detailed dynamics of financial markets, economic cycles, and diverse asset classes.


Finance Tutoring isn’t just about traditional finance; we explore the psychological aspects of client service, employing behavioral finance techniques to foster an enhanced understanding of client needs and expectations. We’ve also partnered with renowned institutions like Euronext, delivering trading mentorship programs that amalgamate theoretical knowledge with practical market insights.


Whether you are looking to hedge against sugar price fluctuations using an array of tools like commodity swaps, options, futures, and forwards, or seeking to delve deep into the intricacies of financial markets, economic cycles, and asset classes, Finance Tutoring is your go-to partner for comprehensive, tailored, and impactful financial training and consulting services.


Organisme de Formation Enregistré sous le Numéro 24280185328 

Contact : Florian CAMPUZAN Téléphone : 0680319332 

E-mail : fcampuzan@finance-tutoring.fr

© 2024 FINANCE TUTORING, Tous Droits Réservés